POV – Why You Need An In-Venue Engagement Platform

  • Posted On: June 28, 2017

As deeper and more relevant Fan-Customer Engagement becomes necessary to drive incremental revenue and affinity, many are looking to existing in-venue silo systems or one-off, unproven tactics to help with those efforts.

IMS believes the only real way to create meaningful in-venue engagement, revenue and affinity is to think “cross-system” and “platform vs. product”.

The following POV Brief shows a cross-System matrix comparison of cross-system engagement benefits to in-venue systems, including our STADIS Engagement Platform, detailing the benefits and why certain systems deliver on specific benefits-or not.

Please read, download, share and contact IMS at 1-800-882-0627 to discuss how we can help you with your in-venue engagement and revenue generation.

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IMS is a technology services company that has been serving the Retail Industry for over 25 years. While we specialize in serving small/medium businesses, we have also completed projects on some of the world’s biggest stages. We help businesses efficiently manage operations by improving processes, implementing unique and comprehensive integrations, and providing additional sources of data intelligence. We believe that by providing businesses with the tools, technology and insights needed to gather and analyze their data more effectively, we can help them create a competitive advantage.

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